Don't forget mum pick up today 9-12 at the school!

Just a quick reminder of the 5K run tomorrow September 16th. The run will start at 8am beginning at the school. We will have paw print signs on the route to take. If you ran/walked last year the route is very much the same except at the last turn around spot east of town. There will be staff members placed on the route to help guide you along with bottles of water!
Hope to see everyone tomorrow!!!

Please note this is our new UPDATED school calendar. During Tuesday's Board of Education meeting the Board voted to change the district calendar. There will be NO School Friday, February 16th instead of March 4th for an in-service for the teachers.

Wrestling opportunity for area students.

We have a new way to upload pictures for the yearbook. Please see the attachment for details

Our annual hot dog roast is this Thursday, September 14th from 5:30-7:00.

Flu shots are being given today in the Art room from 7:30-9:30

The family of David Moss donated money from the memorial to purchase the mat in the gym and bench located in our front lobby. The items are such an amazing addition to our school.
Thank you to the Moss family from your Bobcat family.

Quick reminder there is no school on Monday, Sept. 11th. Mum order forms due Tuesday, Sept. 12th.

We are still having the flu shot clinic on Sept. 11th from 7:30-9:30. Per the Health Department the COVID booster for the new strain is not going to be available for upwards of 4 weeks. The Health Center will reschedule COVID boosters when their shipment comes in.
Sorry for an inconvenience.

Bobcats lets wear our red for the first Chiefs game tomorrow!

Grandparents join us for breakfast this Friday, September 8th beginning at 7:20am! Please call the school if you plan to attend with your Bobcat. 660-639-3135

Mums are on sale now! Please see your local Bobcats or call the school to place your order. Mum pick up will be September 16th from 9am-12 (noon).

Way to go Bobcat Families! We have almost all of our online registrations completed. If you haven't had a chance to do it, I have extended the date for a week. Also, if you have not completed the Free/Reduced Form, please do so! If you need a new form, give us a call. It's a great year to be a Bobcat!

Just a friendly reminder to our Bobcat family that there is no school on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. Have a great three-day weekend, everyone!

Livingston County Health Department will be at the school September 11th starting at 7:30 until 9:30am giving flu shots and COVID boosters. The forms for these are in the office at the school if you would like to stop by and pick one up. The health center is needing a number of participants so we ask that these forms are picked up by the 6th.

We had a great first day of school!!!
It was a great day to be a Bobcat!!!

End of Summer Family Fun Swimming Event is Tonight, August 10, 7-8pm. This event is for all Chula Bobcat families to attend at Chilli Bay Water Park! See you there!

Parents and guardians information about the release of MAP scores.

End of Summer Family Fun Swimming Event! August 10th from 7-8 pm for all families to attend at Chilli Bay Water Park!